The discount



ZiperaseSoftware is offering active ERN Members up to 20% discount on new, initial purchases of Ziperase Client and Array software, and 10% off Device Link for MacBook licensing.



Ziperase is a leading provider of software and hardware solutions for total and secure data sanitization. Servicing SMBs, ITADs, and large corporations, Ziperase’s style of easy-to-do business, hyper customer focus, and strong tech solutions make them a trusted name in the data erasure industry.

Established in 2019, the company offers easy-to-install and operate electronic data erasure software solutions and tools for PCs, laptops, servers, individual hard drives, MacBooks, and gaming consoles.

Ziperase is a certified solution to securely erase all data. Partners include OEMs, data centers, the public/private sector, healthcare, and IT recycling and asset disposal sectors.

Terms and Conditions apply, limit one per member-company per 12-month period. Offer valid for new customers only.
